Emerging Politics

We thank the Premier Designate for his commitment to health and safety for the citizens of Ontario. It is time to rally behind our new Premier Elect, and provide our reports of non-compliance, ill health, economic hardship, and wildlife decimation. It is time to reinforce the zero tolerance of industrial wind scams, everywhere.

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An Open Letter To Wind Concerns Ontario

An Open Letter To Wind Concerns Ontario

propertyrightsareyourrights Uncategorized June 9, 2018 5 Minutes
WCO, a beginning email

Dear Wind Concerns Ontario,

I am writing in response to your email this morning, titled ‘The morning after–a beginning.’ (see link)

I… Read more

david cameronhttp://stopthesethings.com/

May 9, 2015

Britain’s political betters have set it up for one enormous gamble. Britain is wagering its entire economic future on its – out of control – wind power debacle.

Back in January last year, The Economist reported on the INSANE cost of delivering offshore wind power – where generators are guaranteed obscene returns – being able to charge “three times the current wholesale price of electricity and about 60% more than is promised to onshore turbines.”

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Candidates for PC Leadership Weigh In on Wind Power Ontario

Our five PC leadership candidates were asked to respond to a questionnaire about wind power in Ontario. We sincerely thank all candidates for weighing in with thoughtful and sincere replies.

Be sure to sign up for a $10 membership by February 28th 5:00 p.m. so you can vote!


You are choosing the next Premier of Ontario!!


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questions1. How have you personally responded to the suffering and losses of victims of wind in Ontario? (Meetings, attending protests, speeches, phone calls, emails, lobbying for change, etc.)

2. Please provide a brief assessment of what you feel is happening to the ENVIRONMENT of Ontario with the onslaught of industrial wind (water, air, wildlife, land)

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Monte McNaughtonOPEN OP-ED FOR CONSIDERATION: January 26, 2015

Ending Ontario’s Wind Experiment
Monte McNaughton, MPP
January 26, 2015

How do we ensure that when one government abuses its power, we don’t have to live with the consequences for a generation? Through the supremacy of our democratically elected legislative assembly in Ontario.

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suncorQuestions for Ontario PC Leadership Candidates
Ontario Wind Action/Ontario Wind Resistance/NA-PAW
Monte McNaughton, MPP
February 2, 2015

1. How have you personally responded to the suffering and losses of victims of wind in Ontario? (Meetings, attending protests, speeches, phone calls, emails, lobbying for change, etc.)

Yes. On several occasions, in the media, I called for a halt to further wind turbine construction before definitive Health Canada studies were completed; along with Bev Shipley MP (Lambton-Kent-Middlesex) I held media availabilities for this purpose in the municipalities of Chatham-Kent and North Middlesex.

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monteBy Debora Van Brenk, The London Free Press
Monday, January 12, 2015

Ontario wind turbines would stop spinning for good — saving money in the long run, despite up-front cancellation costs — if he became premier, says the Tory leadership candidate from Southwestern Ontario.

“It’s time to end this ripoff,” said MPP Monte McNaughton, one of five candidates for the Ontario Progressive Conservative leadership and the only one from the southwest, where many of wind farms are located.

Read more of this article


christine elliottPlease re-read Christine’s commitment letter to rural Ontario from February and I believe you will see that she is committed to standing with us.

Read this letter



For many years, I have been aware that the economic impact of the Liberal’s failed green-energy policy has been devastating to our province, and in particular to our manufacturing sector and rural Ontario. I have also been aware that their policies were dividing rural communities and driving rifts between friends, neighbours and even families.

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FEBRUARY 5, 2015

Dear Sherri,
I am pleased to provide this letter to outline my position on wind power in Ontario.

First, let me commend you and the rest of the activists in your coalition across Ontario who devote your time, talent and energy to advocating for affordable energy and to fighting with such passion and conviction. Our democracy is stronger when people like you hold government to account and educate their fellow citizens on important matters of public policy.

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vic fedeliMPP Fedeli has dropped out of the leadership contest.
We thank him most sincerely for his participation in our survey,
and for his outstanding work on behalf of Ontario and the wind power debacle





January 25, 2015

Response to NA-PAW, OWR, OWA, ORWTWG Questionnaire

PC MPP and Energy Critic, Vic Fedeli

Received: Sunday, January 25, 2015

First, let me start by thanking you for your excellent efforts in exposing the troubles created by the Green Energy Act (GEA) for the people of Ontario. Since becoming Energy Critic in 2011, a position I held for 2 years,… Read more