During the short month that’s passed since Steven Cooper’s Cape Bridgewater wind farm noise study hit the press (see our post here), the wind industry, its parasites and spruikers have been in a state of absolute panic.
Pacific Hydro – the operator of the Cape Bridgewater disaster, which paid for the study, but deliberately limited its terms of reference – has gone into absolute “damage control” (see our post here).
Among the wind industry’s shrinking band of media manipulators and Twitter jockeys, Steven Cooper’s study has been criticized because it hasn’t had the magic wand of “peer review” waved over it.
Cooper requested that his report be peer reviewed before it was published, but Pac Hydro flatly refused to do so, knowing full well that it would only add fuel to an already rampaging fire. For an outfit now facing $millions in damages claims from its victims, no surprises there.
Well, two of America’s top noise and vibration experts have taken the blowtorch and microscope to Cooper’s study, not only endorsing the sophistication and rigour of the study, but concluding that Cooper’s data proves that the sensations experienced by all of those people who were the subjects of the study (including sleep disruption) were directly caused by Pac Hydro’s wind turbines.
The experts involved, Paul Schomer and George Hessler, have highly relevant CV’s longer than an Arctic Winter’s night (see these links Schomer and Hessler); and both of them were involved in another proper piece of investigation into the adverse impacts of turbine generated low-frequency noise and infrasound on neighbours at Shirley, Wisconsin back in 2012 (see this article and our post here).
We’ll let STT champion, Graham Lloyd open the batting with this cracking little piece.
For the wind industry and its parasites, it’s bad enough that the story got a run at all; that it appeared on page 3 of The Weekend Australian (Australia’s national rag and favourite Saturday read) only added further insult to festering injury, sending them deeper into their current state of apoplexy: could permanent paroxysms be the new ‘normal’ for these charming lads?
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